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Just a feeling,

I feel a sort of excitement around 2025. I'm not sure if I can label it, or tell you what it's about really. I just feel like really good things are coming this year and there's this little bubbling inside of me, a tingling.

When I was little and people would ask me what I wanted to be, I may have said 'artist', 'golfer', 'farmer'...all the things my grandma was and did. The one thing I really wanted though and didn't name, was to be a mom. I am so fortunate to have two beautiful and healthy children, and I have mom'd so hard. It doesn't always fill your cup the way you thought it would, but the experience is a gift that I am glad to receive.

Part of moming so hard though is that you can loose yourself. You focus so much on the kids and the household and the husband, that you're not sure what do even do with the little 'down time' you get.

I've been on a journey of self-discovery now since 2019, and really really feel like 2025 will be pivotal for me. Maybe it won't be noticeable to the ouside, but I can definitely feel shifts on the inside.

Trying to choose a word for 2025, an intention, has been difficult. I think I've narrowed it down to a feeling though: Heart Leading, Intuitive, Disco Ball Shiny. How does that feel to you? It carries a sense, ya know?

I want to lead with my heart. I want to love more. I want to express love more. I want to burn so bright that I can light the candles of those around me who need help when their candle goes dim. I want to encourage others to check in with their candle and make sure it's also burning to its fullest capacity. I want to show other moms how you can be there for your family AND also for yourself. It is possible. Your kids won't burn bright if your candle is out.

A few questions to consider yourself:

What lights your fire?

What's exciting you about the year to come?

What possibilities would you like to see? Are you open to receiving them?

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